
[24a-71B-3]Evaluation of spin-orbit interactions in a gated InSb/AlInSb quantum well

〇川野 大蔵1、福地 唯史1、Tetsuya D. Mishima2、Michael B. Santos2、石原 淳1、山本 壮太1、橋本 克之3,4、平山 祥郎4,5、新田 淳作1,6、好田 誠1,4,5,7 (1.東北大院工、2.オクラホマ大物理天文、3.東北大院理、4.東北大CSIS、5.量研、6.NTT物性研、7.東北大DEFS)



The study focuses on InSb, a narrow-gap III-V semiconductor with significant applications in spintronics due to its strong spin-orbit interactions. InSb/superconductor hybrid structures are explored for potential use in topological quantum computing. Controversy surrounds the strength of Dresselhaus spin-orbit coefficients in InSb, with theoretical and experimental results showing discrepancies. In this study, we evaluated Dresselhaus spin-orbit coefficients in a gated InSb/AlInSb quantum well using quantum interference effects. The quantum well structure was grown on a (001)-oriented GaAs substrate, and carrier density modulation was confirmed through Shubnikov-de Haas measurements. Quantum interference effects were observed at 1.5 K, revealing weak anti-localization around zero magnetic field regions. The study aims to evaluate Dresselhaus spin-orbit coefficients in InSb.