[25a-11E-6]SOI 微小電気機械システム共振器による室温動作するテラヘルツ検出器の開発
〇江端 一貴1、飯森 未来1、鈴木 健仁1、山森 駿司1、浦島 康平1、諸橋 功2、前中 一介3、平川 一彦4、張 亜1 (1.農工大工、2.情報通信研究機構、3.兵庫県立大、4.東大)
MEMS resonators are promising for realizing sensitive and fast terahertz sensors owing to their intrinsic high sensitivities. Previously, we have developed a terahertz(THz) bolometer with a GaAs doubly clamped microelectromechanical-system(MEMS) resonator. The MEMS bolometer detects the incident THz light as a shift in the resonance frequency and works as a very sensitive THz sensor. However, owing to the interactions between THz wave and the optical phonons in GaAs material, there is a zero-sensitivity band at 7-10 THz, which hinders the use of MEMS bolometer in broadband THz spectroscopy measurements.In this research, we have developed an uncooled THz bolometer by using a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MEMS resonator. High-resistivity silicon has a very flat transmission spectrum in THz and frequency band, therefore, is very promising for realizing broadband THz sensors.