2025年3月21日(金) 14:00 〜 16:00
[J-12]Development of microsatellite DNA markers and population structure analysis in generalist predator Euseius sojaensis (Acari: Phytoseiidae)
◯加藤 祐毅1、矢野 修一1、日本 典秀1 (1. 京大院・農・生態情報)
[J-13]Caratenoid biosynthesis and lipid metabolism during photoperiodic induction of diapause in the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch
◯Rismayani Rismayani1,2, Kanae Sai1, Tomohiro Ohsako1, Yuka Arai1, Naoki Takeda1, Takeshi Suzuki1 (1. TUAT, 2. BRIN, Indonesia)
[J-14]Functional characterization of E93 in the ametabolous insect: insights into the early evolution of insect metamorphosis
◯稲田 圭1、大出 高弘1、大門 高明1 (1. 京大院・農)
[J-15]Development of microbial control agents for CRB
◯ナジャ シティカミラ1、木村 弥優1、川満 龍平1、佐藤 昌直1、浅野 眞一郎1 (1. 北海道大学・院農)
[J-16]Molecular basis of cytoplasmic incompatibility in Glyphodes pyloalis induced by Wolbachia endosymbiont
◯室 智大1、平澤 郷1、勝間 進1 (1. 東大院農)
[J-17]Risk assessment of the fungicide, benomyl on parasitoid wasps inside the host body
◯江川 和総1、藏滿 司夢1 (1. 筑波大学・生命環境系)
[J-18]Mode of infection of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana strain GHA to tobacco leaf bug, Nesidiocoris tenuis
◯周 雪1、西 大海2、和佐野 直也2、青木 智佐2 (1. 九大院生資環、2. 九大院農)
[J-19]Cytoplsmic incompatibility (CI) induced by Mesenetia in the coconut hispine beetle in Japan
◯Nadeeka Nirmalee Perera1, Shun-ichiro Takano1 (1. Kyushu University)