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[1A05]SEKIGUCHI Three-body Nuclear Force Project(4) Consideration of the optimal production method for Auger electron emitter 77Br using the CCONE-based calculation system
*Seiya Sakai1, Hideaki Otsu1, Osamu Iwamoto2, Nobuyuki Iwamoto2, Shinsuke Nakayama2, Tokio Fukahori2, Hidetoshi Kikunaga3, Takuya Yokokita3 (1. RIKEN, 2. JAEA, 3. Tohoku Univ.)
Medical RI,Auger electron emitters,Nuclide production cross section,Thick Target Yield
The SEKIGUCHI Three-body Nuclear Force (TOMOE) Project is promoting the development of a CCONE-based calculation system contributing to the consideration of production methods for nuclides useful in nuclear medicine therapy and others. We report the results of considering the optimal production method for Auger electron emitter 77Br, which is a medical RI, from light particle (up to alpha particle) injection reactions using this system.
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