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[1A09]Activation cross sections of 7Li-induced reactions on natTi

*Masayuki Aikawa1, Saki Goto1, Damdinsuren Gantumur2, Ichinkhorloo Dagvadorj1, Naoyuki Ukon3, Naohiko Otuka4, Sandor Takacs5, Hiromitsu Haba6 (1. Hokkaido Univ., 2. NUM, 3. FMU, 4. IAEA, 5. ATOMKI, 6. RIKEN)


Li-induced reactions,Monitor reactions

The lack of suitable monitor reactions for 7Li-induced reactions requires systematic investigation of appropriate targets. We focused on natCu targets and reported experimental cross sections. This study extends to natTi targets, whose applicability is discussed.


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