Presentation Information

[1B07]Fundamental Evaluation of Concrete Shielding for Accelerator-Driven Neutron source Facilities

*Sachiko Yoshihashi1, Kenichi Kimura2, Takeo Nishitani1, Saerom Kwon3, Akira Uritani1 (1. Nagoya Univ., 2. Fujita, 3. QST)


Accelerator-driven neutron source facilities,Concrete shield,nuclear data libraries

We are evaluating the neutron and gamma radiation shielding effect of concreate in the construction of an accelerator-driven neutron source facility. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated the differences in the shielding performance of different types of nuclear data libraries when mono-energetic neutrons ranging from thermal to fast neutrons were irradiated on a 100cm thick concreate.As a result, no significant differences in neutron douse rate were obtained for different nuclear data libraries in the shielding calculations for high-energy neutrons. On the other hand, there were differences in gamma dose rates. In presentation These differences will be reported in details.


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