Presentation Information
[1C03]Development of burnup calculation method based on neutron spectrum reconstruction with POD(1) Applicability to LWR UO2 fuel
*Tomoaki Watanabe1, Naoto Aizawa2, Go Chiba3, Kenichi Tada1, Akio Yamamoto4 (1. JAEA, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Hokkaido Univ., 4. Nagoya Univ.)
Burnup calculation,POD,Neutron spectrum,LWR
We are developing a fast and accurate burnup calculation method using POD for neutron spectrum reconstruction, which does not require neutron transport calculations for each burnup step. This presentation gives an overview of the method and the results of a study on an LWR UO2 pin cell system.
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