Presentation Information
[1C12]Measurement of 233U Sample Reactivity Worth in UTR-KINKI
*Tadafumi Sano1, Jun-ich Hori2, Kazushi Tearada2, Yoshiyuki Takahashi2, Hiroshi Yashima2, Hironobu Unesaki2 (1. Kindai Univ., 2. Kyoto Univ.)
UTR-KINKI,Integaral experiment,Sample reactivity worth,Thorium loaded reactor,U-233,Nuclear data
In engineering discussions on the feasibility of a thorium-using nuclear reactor system, it is important to evaluate the validation of cross-sectional data for 232Th, 233U, and other related nuclides in nuclear data libraries. Therefore, in this study, the reactivity worth of 233U samples was measured at UTR-KINKI and the result was compared with the numerical values calculated using each evaluated nuclear data library.
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