Presentation Information
[1H09]Status of the Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) of 48Ca for CANDLES
*Anawat Rittirong1, Saori Umehara1, Kenji Matsuoka1, Sei Yoshida1, Izumi Ogawa2, Tasuku Hiraiwa2, Masashi Tozawa2, Shigeki Tokita3, Masahiro Uemukai1, Noriaki Miyanaga4,1 (1. Osaka Univ., 2. Univ. of Fukui, 3. Kyoto Univ., 4. ILT)
Laser Isotope Separation,Calcium-48,Isotope Separation,Enrichment
48Ca has the highest Q-value at 4.23 MeV among the double beta decay nuclides, but it has a natural abundance of 0.187%. We use Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) for the separation of 48Ca. A large-scale system was developed to produce 48Ca using laser isotope separation (LIS). This presentation will also outline the status, strategies, and requirements for mass production using single-frequency and high-power laser diodes, aiming at 300 kg/year production rates.
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