Presentation Information
[1I05]Study on depth profiles of tritium in the LHD plasma-facing wall using a sputtering treatment
*Suguru MASUZAKI1,2, Mingzhong ZhaoZhao1, Miyuki YAJIMA1,2, Masayuki TOKITANI1,2, Gen MOTOJIMA1,2 (1. NIFS, 2. SOKENDAI)
tritium depth profile,LHD,sputtering treatment,glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy
In deuterium plasma experiments conducted at LHD, fast tritons produced by the DD reactions impinged on the plasma-facing wall. Tritium depth profiles in the plasma-facing wall and in material samples placed on the wall were measured after the LHD experiments using a sputtering treatment with a glow discharge optical emission spectrometer. The results will be presented.
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