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[2A08]Women's Attitudes towards Seafood after the Release of ALPS Treated Water into the Ocean(1) A Comparison of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and Fukushima Prefecture before and after the Release

*Masami Kamiya1, Yuki Aomi1, Mitsuko Ukai1, Keiko Onishi1, Yukiko Okada1, Hiroko Tezuka1, Chiemi Nishizono1, Naomi Higano1, Kyoko Hayashi1, Kumiko Mutou1 (1. Women's Energy Network)


ALPS treated water,Seafood,The Tokyo metropolitan area,Fukushima prefecture,Communication,Questionnaire survey,Radiation

An online questionnaire survey was conducted before and after the release of ALPS treated water from TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the ocean. We found significant differences in recognitions of information related to ALPS treated water and willingness to buy seafood between the Tokyo metropolitan area and Fukushima prefecture.


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