Presentation Information
[2D01]Development of High Temperature Gas-cooled Demonstration Reactor(1) Current Overview
*Hiroyuki Onishi1, Kazumasa Suyama1, Kunishi Kurano1, Masayuki Kauchi1, Akira Watanabe1, Satoshi Yonemoto1, Teruo Hara1 (1. MHI)
High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor,Demonstration Reactor,HTGR
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. was selected in 2023 as a “core company” for the demonstration reactor development project of the High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) for hydrogen production. The start of demonstration reactor operations in the 2030s was indicated in the technology roadmap presented by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This presentation outlines the current status of the design concept study for the realization of the demonstration reactor.
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