Presentation Information

[2E10]An Experimental Study of Rapid Cooling of High-Temperature Bodies Coated with Nanoparticle Layers



Rapid cooling,Quenching,Nanofluids,Nanoparticle layer,Quench front velocity

Rapid cooling of hot bodies remains a focal interest due to their critical applications in safety of light water reactors during severe accidents, preventing pressure vessel breaches and the release of corium material, a process known as In-Vessel Retention (IVR).
This experimental study investigates the mechanisms of falling film quenching of high-temperature plates with one-sided surfaces coated with a nanoparticle layer via nucleate pool boiling in a nanofluid. The plate was heated to high temperature and then quenched by a falling film of saturated water to evaluate quench velocity. The study explored the relationship between quench velocity and the nanoparticle layer, specifically the effects of nanoparticle thermal conductivity. The results were discussed in terms of contact surface temperature and capillary performance of the nanoparticle layer.


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