Presentation Information
[2F04]Droplet deposition behavior analysis by using OpenFOAM
*Carren Liong1, Keizo Matsuura1 (1. FUT)
Critical heat flux,Computational Fluid Dynamic,Droplet,Mist Flow,Turbulent Diffusion,OpenFOAM
In the liquid film dryout phenomenon that determines the thermal limits of Boiling Water Reactor's fuel assemblies, the droplet deposition behavior in steam turbulence plays an important role. We analyzed the droplet deposition behavior using the OpenFOAM code, which is an open-source software that is widely used around the world in recent years. We analyzed the droplet transfer behavior in basic circular pipe flow channels and cases with obstacles, and compared the results with experimental data to investigate the applicability of the code to the analysis of Critical Heat Flux in nuclear fuel.
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