Presentation Information

[2G03]Development of ultra-high temperature in-situ observation technique for nuclear fuel(8) Comparison analysis with thermodynamic phase diagram for the UO2-ZrO2 reaction at high temperatures

*Ayumi ITOH1, Kenji KONASHI2, Yuji ARITA3, Tsuyoshi YAITA4,5, Goro SHIBATA4 (1. Science Tokyo, 2. Tohoku Univ., 3. Fukui Univ., 4. JAEA, 5. QST)


XAFS-XRD,severe accident,UO2-ZrO2,thermodynamic evaluation

Chemical structural changes in the UO2-ZrO2 system during heating and cooling obtained by in-situ XRD/XAFS high temperature experiments were compared with the phase diagram to investigate the applicability of thermodyanmics to beyond-design-based-accident (BDBA) behavior of fuel. Also, thermodyanmic evaluation of the Fe-U-Zr-O sample used for STXM analysis will be reported.


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