Presentation Information

[2G09]Oxidation Behavior of Cr-based Binary Alloys at High Temperatures

*John Andrew Kane Perez Jovellana1, Zongda Yang1, Ziqi Wei1, Lijuan Cui2, Bo Li1, Hiroaki Abe1 (1. UTokyo, 2. Sichuan University)



Development of accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) materials currently focus application of Cr-based coatings to protect the conventional Zr alloys. One approach to improve Cr properties is via alloying. In this study, Cr-Fe and Cr-Al alloys are prepared using arc melting. Oxidation tests using thermogravimetric analysis were performed to investigate the kinetics. Surface and cross-section morphology were analyzed using SEM. Satisfactory oxidation resistance of the Cr-Fe and Cr-Al alloys were observed.


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