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[2I12]Impact of lithium-lead and gamma-ray irradiation on corrosion of ceramic-iron joint coatings
*Hnin Lai Lai Wai1, Kento Shirota1, Do Duy Khiem 1, Norizuki Ryosuke 1, Tanaka Teruya 2, Noto Hiroyuki 2, Nagasaka Takuya 2, Chikada Takumi1 (1. Shizuoka Univ., 2. NIFS)
Understanding synergistic effects on corrosion of structural and functional materials by liquid Li-Pb under an irradiation environment are of great importance in fusion reactor liquid blanket systems. Our previous studies revealed the impacts of heavy-ion irradiation on Li-Pb compatibility when applied to plate samples. In this research, the strategic vision focuses on the Li-Pb corrosion behaviors of ceramic-iron joint coating for tubular samples under gamma-ray irradiation. Ceramic coatings were fabricated on SS316L tubes by metal-organic decomposition and then were joined with iron tube using a hot-isostatic pressing machine at 25 MPa and 823 K. Li-Pb exposure tests for were carried out at 823 K for 100 h and 200 h under the estimated absorbed dose 27 kGy of gamma-ray irradiation and followed by 400 h and 300 h without irradiation, respectively. SEM images reveal that ceramic coatings are notably higher resistance. Additionally, there is no intrusion of Li and Pb through the coating after 100 h irradiation.
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