Presentation Information
[3A01]Study on performance improvement of PVA-KI gel dosimeter
*Takeyoshi Sunagawa1, Glenn Harvel2, Chisako Hishiki1, Yutaro Aoki1, Sachiko Yoshihashi3 (1. FUT, 2. Ontario Tech Univ., 3. Nagoya Univ.)
Chemical dose meter,Gel dosimeter,Dose assessment,Radiation therapy,PVA
In recent years, there has been a demand for a method to easily visualize radiation in radiation cancer therapy, and our laboratory has been developing a gel dosimeter made of PVA and KI. In this study, we focused on the measurement sensitivity, retention, and physical properties of PVA-KI gel, and investigated ways to improve these characteristics, thereby attempting to improve the PVA-KI gel dosimeter.
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