Presentation Information
[3C05]Development of Advanced Neutronics/Thermal-Hydraulics Coupling Simulation System(13) BWR fuel assembly calculation with MVP/ACE-3D
*Takanari Fukuda1, Hiroyuki Yoshida1, Tomohiro Kamiya1, Takayuki Suzuki1, Kenichi Tada1, Yasunobu Nagaya1 (1. JAEA)
neutronics/thermal-hydraulics coupling simulation,JAMPAN,MVP,ACE-3D,BWR
JAEA has been engaged in the development of JAMPAN, a platform for multi-physics simulations, to enable the numerical simualtons for enhancing the quality and safety of the light water reactor design. In this study, ACE-3D, which is based on a three-dimensional two-fluid model capable of general-purpose multidimensional thermal-hydraulic calculations, was selected as the thermal-hydraulic calculation code. Furthermore, a JAMPAN module was developed to facilitate a coupled MVP/ACE-3D neutronics/thermal-hydraulics simulation. In the presentation, the results of the simulation for an 8×8 BWR fuel assembly with JAMPAN will be presented.
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