Presentation Information

[3C11]Application of PID control to bubble flow analysis using multi-phase field method

*Kenta Sugihara1, Yos Panagaman Sitompul1, Yasuhiro Idomura1, Susumu Yamashita1 (1. JAEA)


Gas-liquid two-phase flow,Multi-phase field method

In bubble flow simulations in a circular tube with periodic boundary conditions, the fluid flow is driven by a pressure gradient. Suppose the pressure gradient observed in experiments is applied as an external force. In that case, the flow will accelerate or decelerate without balancing the force, resulting in a deviation from the assumed flow rate. In this study, the pressure gradient is controlled using PID control, widely used in control theory, to enable analysis of bubbly flow at a specified flow rate. The void fraction and velocity distribution are compared with experimental data from previous studies to verify the validity of this calculation.