Presentation Information
[3H14]Preliminary Study on Nuclear Materials Imaging in Fuel Debris from The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Using a Neutron Pinhole Camera
*Eka Sapta Riyana1, Ikuo Kanno1, Masahiro Sakamoto1, Kenichi Terashima1, Taichi Matsumura1, Keisuke Okumura1 (1. JAEA)
Fuel Debris analysis,Imaging,Neutron camera,Monte Carlo calculation
Information on the quantity of nuclear materials in fuel debris from The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is crucial in screening and categorizing the fuel debris for storage consideration and quantity reduction. However, the types of materials (U, Pu, steel, Zr, concrete, etc.), chemical form, and density involved in the fuel debris may have wide variety, and it is difficult to quantify nuclear materials inside it. We investigated the possibility of nuclear materials imaging in the retrieved materials using a neutron pinhole camera to know the spatial distribution of neutron emitters such as 244Cm in the objects. Our simulation demonstrates the neutron pinhole camera forming an image of the neutron source in the objects contained inside a canister with sufficient spatial resolution.
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