Session Details

[1G07-11]Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels

Wed. Mar 12, 2025 2:45 PM - 4:10 PM JST
Wed. Mar 12, 2025 5:45 AM - 7:10 AM UTC
Room G(Zoom room 7)
Chair:Kenta Murakami(UTokyo)

[1G07]Prediction model for Charpy absorbed energy of reactor pressure vessel steels using machine learning method

*Yoshinori Hashimoto1, Akiyoshi Nomoto1, Mark Kirk1 (1. CRIEPI)

[1G08]In situ WB-STEM observation of crack tips on the Sharpy fracture surface of A533B steels

*Kenta Yoshida1, Hotaka Miyata1, Daisaku Yokoe2, Takeharu Kato2, Minako Endo3, Yuya Hideki3, Yusuke Shimada4, Hideo Watanabe4 (1. Tohoku Univ., 2. Japan Fine Ceramics Center, 3. Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc., 4. Kyushu Univ.)

[1G09]Investigation of local mechanical properties and microstructure of under-clad hardened layer of RPV steel

*Minako Endo1,2, Ryuta KASADA2, Yuki JIMBA2, Diancheng GENG2, Kaito KAMIYAMA2, Minha PARK2, Yasuyuki OGINO2, Hao YU2, Sosuke KONDO2, Hideki YUYA1 (1. Chubu Electric Power, 2. Tohoku Univ.)

[1G10]Molecular Dynamics Analysis of FeMnNi(Cu) Cluster Stability Structures in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels

*Yuting Chen1, Kazunori Morishita1 (1. Kyoto Univ.)

[1G11]Microstructural Evolutions in Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels Irradiated by Heavy Ions with Low Dose Rate

*Yuuki Maeda1, Katsuhiko Fujii1, Koji Fukuya1 (1. INSS)

Time reserved for Chair