Session Details

[1G12-15]Radiation Effects

Wed. Mar 12, 2025 4:10 PM - 5:15 PM JST
Wed. Mar 12, 2025 7:10 AM - 8:15 AM UTC
Room G(Zoom room 7)
Chair:Kenta Yoshida(Tohoku Univ.)

[1G12]Study on Machine Learning Methods for NNP Development for Nuclear Materials

*Baopu WANG1, Hiroto OSAKI1, Yuting CHEN1, Liangfan ZHU1, Kazunori MORISHITA1, Kenichi FUKUMOTO2 (1. Kyoto Univ., 2. Univ. of Fukui)

[1G13]Kinetics assessment of athermal point defect production in iron during neutron irradiation

*LIangfan Zhu1, Yuting Chen1, Kazunori Morishita1 (1. Kyoto Univ.)

[1G14]Defect Cluster Suppression by Nano-Oxides in 12Cr ODS Steels Under Helium Ion Irradiation

*Zideng Zideng Wang1, Jingjie Shen2, Zongda Yang1, Sho Kano3, Huilong Yang4, Hiroaki Abe1 (1. UTokyo, 2. NIFS, 3. QST, 4. SJTU)

[1G15]Microstructural Evolution of the Intermetallic Compound Zr(Fe,Cr)2 at the Interface of Cr-Coated Zr Alloys under Fe2+ Ion Irradiation

*Bo LI1, Hiroaki Abe1 (1. UTokyo)

Time reserved for Chair