Session Details

[32304-06]Session C5

Thu. Sep 19, 2024 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM JST
Thu. Sep 19, 2024 1:50 AM - 2:50 AM UTC
Room C(12-104)

[32304-06-01]Application of TQM Approach for Business Transformation in a Power Distribution Company

*Kunal Pareek1, Anil Sachdev2, Pankaj Kumar3 (1. Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (India), 2. TQM International Private Limited (India), 3. Tata Autocomp Systems Limited (India))

[32304-06-02](Re)defining Quality and Quality Management in Terms of Value, Risk and Cost: A Conceptual Model

*Nigel Peter Grigg1,2 (1. New Zealand Organisation for Quality (New Zealand), 2. Independent writer and consultant (Thailand))

[32304-06-03]New Product Full Life Cycle Management Innovation - Take Hefei Home Machine Base as an Example

*Jinpeng Zhang1, Jialong Shen1 (1. Hefei Haier Air Conditioning Electronics Co., Ltd. (China))