Session Details

[[PB]-3am]18. Polymer

Fri. Mar 28, 2025 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Fri. Mar 28, 2025 1:00 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
Poster Site B-2(Hall, Shin-KansaiDaigaku-Kaikan North Bldg. [1F])

[[PB]-3am-101]Synthesis of thermoresponsive polymers having optically acitive histidinol side chains and their catalytic activity

○Ryotaku Kanaoka1, Manabu Ishihune1 (1. Kindai University Graduate School)

[[PB]-3am-102]Influence of additives on the hydrothermal dechlorination of PVC

○Douglas Hungwe1, Satomi Hosokawa1, Yuki Yamasaki1 (1. Hosei University)

[[PB]-3am-103]Synthesis and oxidation reactivity of novel optically active thermoresponsive polymers having AZADO side chains

○Kodai Maruta1, Manabu Ishifune1 (1. Kindai University graduate school)

[[PB]-3am-53]Stereoregular Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in the Channel Cavity of Supramolecular γ-Cyclodextrin Structures

○Shunsuke Kishi1, Hajime Shigemitsu1, Toshiyuki Kida1 (1. Osaka University)

[[PB]-3am-54]Development of UV-curable High Refractive Index Material with Triiodophenyl Framework

○Yuya Nakashima1, Hiroto Kudoh1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Eng., Kansai Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-55]Synthesis of cyclic polyene oligomers by Ni-catalyzed cycloaddition of 1,n-diyne (n=6,7,8)

○Ryosuke Nozawa1, Sentaro Okamoto1, Kouta Ibe1 (1. Kanagawa University)

[[PB]-3am-56]Ring-opening copolymerization of trimethylene carbonate and lactones

○Aoi Takeuchi1, Koji Nakano1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of A&T)

[[PB]-3am-57]Synthesis of non-isocyanate polyurethanes from bio-derived diols

○Yoshiki Miyajima1, Miyu Takenoshita1, Chitoshi Suzuki2, Takashi Okazoe2, Akihiko Tsuda1 (1. Kobe University, 2. AGC Inc.)

[[PB]-3am-58]Efficient Alkylation of Cellulose with Epoxide by Phosphazene Catalyst

○Yume Takanishi1, Tatsuya Nishida2, Daisuke Hirose2, Katsuhiro Maeda2,3 (1. Col. of Sci. and Eng., Kanazawa Univ., 2. Grad. Sch. of Nat. Sci, and Tech., Kanazawa Univ., 3. WPI-NanoLSI, Kanazawa Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-59]Synthesis of chiral thienopyrroldione-based polymers by direct arylation polycondensation and their characterization

○Nao Suzuki1, Hu Ziwei1, Takaki Kanbara1, Junpei Kuwabara1 (1. The Univ. of Tsukuba)

[[PB]-3am-60]Synthesis and property of well-defined star and flower-shaped polysulfide by insert reaction with thiocarbamate and thiirane

○Ryota Tsutsui1, Hiroto Kudoh1, Akiyuki Ryoki2 (1. Grad. sch. of Sci. and Eng., Kansai Univ., 2. Grad. sch. of Eng., Kyoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-61]Precise post-polymerization modification of polyethylene glycol using a semiconductor photocatalyst and water

○Yoshino Inamori1, Shogo Mori2, Mineto Uchiyama3, Masami Kamigaito3, Susumu Saito1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Sci., Nagoya Univ., 2. IRCCS, Nagoya Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-62]Photochemical reaction behaviors of π-conjugated polymers having bismole units obtained by post-elemental transformation process.

○Keisuke Tsujimura1, Moeki Nakano1, Ryoyu HIfumi1, Ikuyoshi Tomita1 (1. Institute of Science Tokyo)

[[PB]-3am-63]Synthesis of graft copolymers with aliphatic polycarbonates as the main chains and evaluation of their mechanical properties

○Issei Okamoto1, Koji Nakano1, Chikara Watanabe1 (1. Tokyo Univ. of A&T)

[[PB]-3am-64]Synthesis and Applications of 1,3-Butadiene Derivatives and π-Conjugated Polymers Having Element-blocks by Reactions of Reactive Precursors

○Xinyu Zhang1, Ryoyu Hifumi1, Ikuyoshi Tomita1 (1. Institute of science tokyo)

[[PB]-3am-65]Preparation of Lignoanisole Derivatives with High Molecular Weights by Chain-Extension Reaction

○Takuya Takahashi1, Mitsuru Aoyagi1 (1. Graduate School of Comprehensive Scientific Research, Prefectural University of Hiroshima)

[[PB]-3am-66]Effect of POF material-oriented carbonyl groups on optical properties in polycarbonate .

○Atsushi KITAMURA1 (1. Kyusyuu Sanngyou University)

[[PB]-3am-67]Confirmation by intermolecular interaction effect in linear polymer structure and examination of physical property

○Jaeyeong Choi1, Min Ki Choi1,2, Seong Hun Choi1, Yun Ho Kim1, Jong Chan Won1 (1. KRICT, 2. Hanyang Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-68]Effect of Photoirradiation on Chiroptical Properties of Poly(diphenylacetylene) Derivatives Bearing Chiral Amide Structure in the Side Chain

○Naoe Kuroishi1, Yuki Nishikawa2, Daisuke Hirose3, Katsuhiro Maeda3,4 (1. Col. of Sci. and Eng., Kanazawa Univ., 2. Grad. Sch. of Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. of Nat. Sci, and Tech., Kanazawa Univ., 4. WPI-NanoLSI, Kanazawa Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-69]The effect of deuteration on the water absorption properties of aromatic polymers

○chihiro fujishima1, Tomoyuki Hirayama1 (1. Kyusyu Sangyo University)

[[PB]-3am-70]Effect of Carbonyl Groups in aromatic Polyimides on Coefficient of Linear Expansion

○Taichi Hirasima1, Hirayama Tomoyuki1 (1. Kyusyu Sangyo University)

[[PB]-3am-71]Star-shaped polymers with metal-organic polyhedral core and their rheological properties

○Xiangmei Xiang1,2, Zaoming Wang2, Po-chun Han2, Masataka Yamashita1, Kenji Urayama1, Shang-wei Lin, Shuhei Furukawa1,2 (1. Grad School of Eng., Kyoto Univ., 2. iCeMS, Kyoto Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-72]Thermal Properties of Side-Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers with Spacers Centered on Benzoate Back Bone

○Satoshi Tanaka1, Seiki Yamashita1, Masanori Nata2, Seiji Ujiie2 (1. Grad. Sch. of Eng., Oita Univ., 2. Fac. of Sci. and Tech., Oita Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-73]Effects of curing conditions on reactivity and heat resistance of photosensitive resin using aliphatic difunctional epoxy

○Koki Tanaka1, Tomoyuki Hirayama1 (1. Kyushu Sangyo University)

[[PB]-3am-74]Synthesis of discontinuously conjugated polymers for application in hole transporting materials

○Hiroto Miyatake1, Haoxuan Guo1, Hiroyuki Aota1 (1. Kansai Univ. Fac. of Chem., Mater. and BioEng.)

[[PB]-3am-75]Preparation and mechanical properties of composite films of polysiloxane with naphthalenediimide moieties and donor molecules.

○Yoshiyuki Masu1, Shogo Amemori2,3, Yasuhiro Shigeta2,3, Takuya Kurihara2, Tomonori Ida2, Motohiro Mizuno2,3 (1. School of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, 2. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, 3. Nanomaterials Research Institute, Kanazawa University)

[[PB]-3am-76]Helicity Induction in Poly(phenylacetylene) Derivatives with an Aminophosphonium Group in the Side Chain

○Shota Nakano1, Yuki Nishikawa2, Daisuke Hirose3, Katsuhiro Maeda3,4 (1. Col. of Sci. and Eng., Kanazawa Univ., 2. Grad. Sch. of Frontier Science Initiative, Kanazawa Univ., 3. Grad. Sch. of Nat. Sci. and Tech., Kanazawa Univ., 4. WPI-NanoLSI, Kanazawa Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-77]Synthesis and metal adsorption behavior of inverse vulcanized polymers with metal ligands and hydrophilic groups

○Satoshi So1, Yoshiaki Yoshida1,2 (1. Kyutech, 2. GMRC, Kyutech)

[[PB]-3am-78]Study of the dependence of the linear expansion coefficient on the cross-linking structure in photosensitive epoxy resins.

○Ryosuke Inoue1, Tomoyuki Hirayama1 (1. Kyushu Sangyo University)

[[PB]-3am-80]Investigation of the Formulation and Properties of Multi-Stimuli Responsive Smart Hydrogels

○PENG-WEN CHEN1, MEI-YU YEH1 (1. Chung Yuan Christian University)

[[PB]-3am-81]Molecular orientation and birefringence enhancement of photoreactive polymer liquid crystal films by in situ reaction using microwaves

○Akari Ito1, Mizuho Kondo2, Madoka Marui, Masato Sakamoto3, Hiroshi Ono3, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki2 (1. Fac. of Eng., Univ. of Hyogo., 2. Grad. Sch. of Eng., Univ. of Hyogo., 3. Grad. Sch. of Eng., Nagaoka Univ. Tech)

[[PB]-3am-82]Photo-alignment and high birefringence of non-liquid polymer films by photoreaction and in-situ reaction

○Daigo Katayama1, Mizuho Kondo1, Moritsugu Sakamoto2, Hiroshi Ono2, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki1 (1. Univ. of Hyogo, 2. Grad. Sch. of Eng., Nagaoka Univ. Tech.)

[[PB]-3am-83]Remoldable Hydrogels composed of Amino Acids baring vinyl polymers.

○Miyu Teramoto1, Shin-nosuke Nishimura1, Tsuyoshi Yamaguchi, Naomi Takenaka, Tomoyuki Koga1 (1. Doshisha university)

[[PB]-3am-84]Correlation between molecular structure and gelation concentration of biodegradable injectable polymers

○Hiroyuki Imai1, Natsumi Sugishima1, Yuki Syoda1, Nobuo Murase2, Ohya Yuichi1,3 (1. Facl. of Chem. Mater. & Bioeng., Kansai Univ., 2. ORDIST, Kansai Univ., 3. KUMP-RC, Kansai Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-85]Development of an injectable polymer formulation containing β-tricalcium phosphate suspension for alveolar bone regeneration

○Momoka Tokuoka1, Seigo Ohba 2, Yo Shibata2, Yasutaka Sugamori2, Keijiro Kojima 2, Arina Takada2, Ayaka Kawakami 1, Nobuo Murase3, Yuichi Ohya1,4 (1. Facl. of Chem. Mater. & Bioeng., Kansai Univ., 2. Facl. of Dent., Showa Univ., 3. ORDIST, Kansai Univ., 4. KUMP-RC, Kansai Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-86]Development of biodegradable temperature-responsive injectable polymers forming covalent cross-links upon mixing with blood components

○Hiromi Goto1, Yuki Miyaji1, Nobuo Murase2, Yuichi Ohya1,3 (1. Facl. of Chem. Mater. & Bioeng., Kansai Univ., 2. ORDIST, Kansai Univ., 3. KUMP-RC, Kansai Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-87]Preparation of polymer micelle using thymine-containing amphiphilic block copolymer and their ATP-responsive behavior.

○Ryusuke Horai1, Takashi Miyata1,2, Akifumi Kawamura1,2 (1. Fac. Chem. Materials, Bioeng., Kansai University, 2. ORDIST, Kansai Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-88]Preparation of Unimer Micelle by Electrostatic Interaction

○Koki Hisatomi1 (1. Univ. of Hyogo)

[[PB]-3am-89]Formation of biodegradable polyion complex membranes for drug delivery through the pericardium.

○Haruna Horiguchi1, yamato fujita1, nobuo murase2, Yuichi Ohya1,3 (1. Facl. of Chem. Mater. & Bioeng., Kansai Univ., 2. ORDIST, Kansai Univ., 3. KUMP-RC, Kansai Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-90]Development of organic-inorganic hybrid materials based on polytitanoxane and their photochromism properties

○Yoshiharu Yokoyama1, Yoshiaki Yoshida1,2 (1. Kyutech, 2. GMRC, Kyutech)

[[PB]-3am-92]Synthesis and Properties of Colorless Polyimides Derived from Polyalicyclic Dianhydride, CpODA

○Takuya Sato1, Yasuaki Kikuchi1, Toshihiko Matsumoto2 (1. National Institute of Technology, Hachinohe College, 2. Tokyo Polytechnic University)

[[PB]-3am-93]Development of network polydithiourethane with oxyethylene groups applicable to easy dismantling adhesives

○Honoka Watanabe1, Yoshiaki Yoshida1,2,3 (1. Kyutech, 2. GMRC, Kyutech, 3. JST PRESTO)

[[PB]-3am-94]pH-Responsive Behavior of Cationic Nanoparticles

○KOKORO TSUSHO1 (1. University of Hyogo)

[[PB]-3am-95]Artificial Acylation Catalyst Based on pKa Adjustment and Peptide Uptake Utilizing Molecular Recognition by Hydrogel Particles

○Sotaro Tsuji1, Yukiko Nagai1, Toshikazu Ono1,3, Hisashi Shimakoshi2, Yu Hoshino1,3 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu Univ., 2. Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ., 3. Center for Molecular Systems Kyushu Univ.)

[[PB]-3am-97]Fabrication of silica materials using linear polyamines with ordered sequence structures

○Hiroyuki Matsukizono1 (1. Kyushu University)

[[PB]-3am-98]Dielectric properties of self-assembled amphiphilic block polypeptides

Yuki Ueda1, ○Hirotaka Uji1 (1. Nara Univ. of Edu.)

[[PB]-3am-99]Structural optimization of estrogen-immobilized polyphosphodiesters for their inhibitory capacity on bone resorption

○SAYAKO TAKAI1, Yota Okuno2,3, Yasuhiko Iwasaki2,3 (1. Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Eng., Kansai Univ., 2. Chem. Master. Bioeng., Kansai Univ., 3. ORDIST, Kansai Univ.)