Session Details

[2poster05-16]T6 [Topic Session]From magma source and magma plumbing system to volcano formation)

Mon. Sep 9, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Mon. Sep 9, 2024 4:30 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
T6_poster(General Education_Section3 1-2Floors)

[T6-P-1]Whole-rock Chemical Composition of Late Cretaceous Yasu Granite Body in Southern Part of Lake Biwa Area, Shiga, Japan

*Kazuki NAKAMURA1, Kazuya SHIMOOKA1, Satoki OKABAYASHI2, Motohiro TSUBOI1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin Univ., 2. Nihon Univ.)

[T6-P-3]Geological and petrological characteristics of the 15th century tephra layer, Zao Volcano

*Nozomi Iwawaki1, Masao Ban2, Takumi Imura2 (1. Graduate school of Science and Engineering, Yamagata University, 2. Faculty of Science, Yamagata University)

[T6-P-4]Pulsatile nature of the Ryoke granitoid intrusions in the central Mie prefecture (SW Japan) inferred by U-Pb zircon dating

*Cheolwoo KIM1, Tetsuo KAWAKAMI1, Fumiko HIGASHINO1, Shumpei KUDO1, Miku NAKANO, Sota NIKI2, Takafumi HIRATA3 (1. Kyoto Univ. Dept. of Geology & Mineralogy, 2. Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, 3. Geochemical Research Center, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)

[T6-P-5]Eruption history of Jododaira-north crater in Azuma-Jododaira volcano, Fukushima, Japan, revealed by all-core boring survey

*Yoshiaki OTSU1, Takumi IMURA1, Masao BAN1, Kae TSUNEMATSU1, Takeshi HASEGAWA2 (1. Yamagata Univ., 2. Ibaraki Univ.)

[T6-P-6]Estimating magma residence time from radiometric ages: Example of Sanbe-san volcano

*Hideki IWANO1,6, Hisashi ASANUMA2, Sota NIKI3, Shuhei SAKATA4, Yuji ORIHASHI5, Takafumi HIRATA1, Tohru DANHARA6 (1. Geochemical Research Center, The University of Tokyo, 2. Kyoto University, 3. Nagoya University, 4. Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 5. Hirosaki University, 6. Kyoto Fission-Track Co.)

[T6-P-8]Zircon Hf isotopic composition of Cretaceous plutonic rocks distribute in the Takanawa Peninsula and Kajishima, Ehime Prefecture, southwestern Japan.

*Kazuya Shimooka1, Mitsuhiro Nagata2,3, Yasuhiro Ogita3,4, Satoshi Saito5 (1. Kwansei Gakuin Univ., 2. Nihon Univ., 3. JAEA, 4. Yamagata Univ., 5. Ehime Univ.)

[T6-P-9]Intrusion and emplacement processes of adakitic magma based on the petrography and geochronology: A case study of the Sakainokami plutonic body, Kitakami mountains, northeast Japan

*Satoshi SUZUKI1, Nobuo ASAI1, Kazuo NAKASHIMA1, Yasuhiro OGITA2, Tatsunori YOKOYAMA2, Shuhei SAKATA3, Takeshi OHNO4, Mitsuhiro NAGATA2,5, Takashi YUGUCHI6 (1. Yamagata University, 2. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 3. University of Tokyo, 4. Gakushuin University, 5. Nihon University, 6. Kumamoto University)

[T6-P-10]Estimated Formation Temperature and Pressure Conditions of Granitoids in Eastern Shimane Prefecture and Eastern Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan

*Kai Nakahashi1, Satoshi SAITO1 (1. Ehime University Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Earth Science Division)

[T6-P-11]The lifetime of magmatic dyke, example of mafic dyke at Miocene Yuya Group, sw Japan.

*Arito Sakaguchi Sakaguchi1, Shoyo Ikenoue2, Keita Nakano3 (1. Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, 2. TRADER Co.Ltd, 3. Hokkaido Research Organization)