Session Details

[3oral701-05]T15 [Topic Session]Regional geology and stratigraphy: review and prospect

Tue. Sep 10, 2024 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM JST
Tue. Sep 10, 2024 12:30 AM - 1:45 AM UTC
oral-07(General Education_Section1-134)
Chiar:Noritaka MATSUBARA(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo)

[T15-O-19]Source of the boulder gravel in the Lowermost Part of the Osaka Group in the northwest of Nara Prefecture.

*Takaharu Sato1, Keiji Hiratani, Shinichi Hirokawa, Mitsuji Inoue, Michiko Mokubo, Yuko Mori, Tomoyuki Nakatani, Mitsuo Okamoto, Ihei Saito, Teruyo Shirahige, Mitsuko Takenaka, Keiko Tsukuda (1. Osaka Museum of Natural History)

[T15-O-20]Gravel composition and source of gravels in Tenma spit and Namba strand plain, Osaka plain, Japan

*Takeshi NAKAJO1, Chuljae CHO2, Takanori BESSHO1, Takaharu SATO1, Kiyoshi KAWABATA1, Tetsuya OGURA3, Katsunori FUJIYABU4, Kaya KIKUI5, Keishi FUJIWARA2, Mariko IIDA2, Ayumi TANI2, Fujimi ODAGI2 (1. Osaka Museum of Natural History, 2. Osaka City Cultural Properties Association, 3. Osaka City Board of Education, 4. Wakayama City Culture and Sports Promotion Foundation, 5. Nara City Board of Education)

[T15-O-21]Depositional age of the Pleistocene Karato Formation on Himeshima Island, Oita Prefecture and its stratigraphic relationship with the Himeshima volcanic group

*Tomonori NAYA1, Kiyohide MIZUNO1, Misao HONGO2, Yuki HANEDA1, Yu HORIUCHI3 (1. AIST, GSJ, 2. Alps Technical Research Laboratory Co., Ltd., 3. Oita Himeshima Geopark Promotion Office)

[T15-O-22]Stratigraphy of the Ryukyu Group in Okinoerabu Jima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan

*Atae TAKEDA1, Shigeaki YAMADA2, Shun CHIYONOBU3, Yoshihiro ASAHARA4, Hideko TAKAYANAGI1, Yasufumi IRYU1 (1. Tohoku University, 2. Kyushu Regional Agricultural Administration Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 3. Akita University, 4. Nagoya University)

[T15-O-23]Holocene geomorphological evolution of the Notsukesaki barrier spits controlled by seismotectonics along the eastern Hokkaido, NE Japan

*KIYOYUKI SHIGENO1, Futoshi NANAYAMA2, Kazuto ISHIWATA3, Ryuta Furukawa4, Masayuki Ishii 5 (1. Meiji Consultant Co., Ltd., 2. Museum of Natural and Environmental History, Shizuoka, 3. Betsukai Town, 4. Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 5. Ishii Professional Engineer Office)