Presentation Information

[IS-007]Cooperating on issues of mutual concernSpecial focus on inequality and well-being

Representative Organizer: Committee on International Affairs,  the Japanese Psychological Association1
Organizer: Yuka Ozaki2, Yuko Yotsumoto3, Joonha Park4, Kentaro Shirotsuki5, Kun Qian6, Takahiro Kubo7, Xinhua Mao8
Speaker: Mizuka Ohtaka2, Yohei Sasaki5, Liqi Zhu9, Lihong Li10, Eunha Kim11, Hyunsik Kim12
(1. The Japanese Psychological Association, 2. Toyo University, 3. The University of Tokyo, 4. Kyoto University, 5. Musashino University, 6. Kyushu University, 7. Yokohama National University, 8. Kobe Gakuin University, 9. Chinese Academy of Sciences, 10. Northeast Normal University, 11. Ajou University, 12. Sogang University)
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