Presentation Information

[SS-022]Efforts of Basic Science Toward Primary Prevention of Social Isolation and LonelinessThe Potential of Psychology and Neuroscience

Representative Organizer: Ayahito Ito1
Organizer: Kuniaki Yanagisawa2
Speaker: Ayahito Ito1, Kuniaki Yanagisawa2, Aya Toyoshima3, Kansai Fukumitsu4
Discussant: Mitsuhiro Ura5, Tasuku Igarashi6
Chair: Ayahito Ito1, Kuniaki Yanagisawa2
(1. Tohoku University, 2. Kobe University, 3. Shimane University, 4. Fujita Health University, 5. Otemon Gakuin University, 6. Nagoya University)


Social isolation,Loneliness,Psychology

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