Presentation Information

[SS-027]Beyond "Visualization" of PsychotherapyNew Possibilities Opened by Multimodal Research

Representative Organizer: Takayuki Iwayama1
Organizer: Nanako Nakamura-Taira2
Speaker: Takayuki Iwayama1, Hiroku Noma3, Shio Maeda4
Discussant: Chika Nagaoka5, Satoshi Yokoyama6
Chair: Sou Kikuchi7
(1. Faculty of Human and Sociology, Showa Women's University, 2. Faculty of Letters, Chuo University, 3. Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 4. International Institute fIntegrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba, 5. Faculty of Management, Otemon Gakuin University, 6. Faculty of Humanities, Niigata University., 7. Faculty of Communication and Culture, Shoin University)
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