Presentation Information

[SS-030]What is an easy-to-understand explanation that certified public psychologist should perform ?Current status and challenges of explanations that encourage clients to help seeking.

Representative Organizer: Hiroki Yamamoto1
Organizer: Ken Matsushita2, Takashi Murakami7
Speaker: Haruhisa Mizuno3, Masato Kimura4, Toshiharu Iida5
Discussant: Hiroki Yamamoto1, Masayoshi Morioka1
Chair: Ken Matsushita2 (1. Ritsumeikan University , 2. Joetsu University of Education, 3. Osaka Kyoiku University, 4. Osaka International University, 5. Komazawa Women's University, 6. Hokusei Gakuen University, 7. Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)
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