Presentation Information

[IS-019]The Current State and Future Prospects of Early Career Psychologists' Networks in the Field of Psychology

Representative Organizer: Sato Sanai1
Organizer: Kenta Tomita2,3, Yoshihiro Itaguchi4, Megumi Kobayashi5
Speaker: Kenta Tomita2,3, Megumi Kobayashi5, Ayano Hamauchi6, Tsunaki Iida7, Yukitoshi Sakaguchi8
Chair: Sato Sanai1, Yoshihiro Itaguchi4
(1. Sophia University, 2. Nagoya University, 3. Japan Society for the Promation of Science, 4. Keio University, 5. Niigata University, 6. Kyoto Koka Women's University, 7. Tohoku University, 8. Japan Science and Technology Agency)

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