Presentation Information

[SS-045]Support for sensory issues in developmental disorders: the practice and perspective based on the mechanism

Representative Organizer: Takeshi Atsumi1
Organizer: Masakazu Ide2
Speaker: Masakazu Ide2, Ayuko Kondo3,4, Hitomi Kuma5,6, Kanae Matsushima7
Discussant: Takeshi Atsumi1
Chair: Takeshi Atsumi1
(1. Kyorin University, 2. Research Institute of National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities, 3. Elche inc., 4. Shinozaki Child Development Support Center, Edogawa-ku, 5. NPO ADDS, 6. Developmental Counseling and Support Center, Edogawa-ku, 7. Kansai Medical University)

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