Presentation Information

[SS-054]Empirical research of the psychology of religion: The role of the religious leaders (e.g., monks, priests, pastors) and their intentionsThe challenges facing the field of psychology of religion (3)

Representative Organizer: Kobo Matsushima1
Speaker: Tai Tsujimoto2, Ryo Kawamura3, Yorihiko Kawamura4, Ryo Nishiwaki5
Discussant: Tetsuo Ohmura6
Chair: Kobo Matsushima1
(1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Nanzan Universtiy Institute Social Ethics, 3. Aichi Prefectural University School of Nursing & Health, 4. KCPS, Kawamura Counseling Room, 5. Nanzan University, 6. Sophia University)

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