Session Details


Fri. Sep 6, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:40 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1A-008-PB]Is Rumination Still a Maladaptive Response Style When It Is Nonjudgmental?Parallel Mediation Analysis of Self-Compassion in the Relationship Between Rumination and Resilience

*Yuan-Zi HUANG1, Han-Yi WANG2, Hsin-Ni YU1, Tzu-En HUANG3, Chun-Yu LIN1 (1. Department of Psychology, National Cheng Kung University, 2. Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University, 3. Department of Psychology, National Cheng Chi University)

[1A-009-PB]Measurement invariance of the 10-item version of the Highly Sensitive Person scaleCross-cultural comparison between Japanese and American university students

*Kosuke Yano1,2, Shuhei Iimura3 (1. National Institution For Youth Education, 2. Aomori University, 3. Soka University)

[1A-010-PB]Perceived social desirability, personal desirability, and self-appraisal of the Big Five personality traitsMini meta-analysis of three datasets

*Sasuke Ueda1,2, Shinji Yamagata1 (1. Nagoya University, 2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

[1A-011-PB]The Relation of Precrastination and Self-Control

*Miki Adachi1 (1. Osaka Electro Communication University)

[1A-012-PB]Development of a short version of Proactive Coping Inventory- Japanese version (PCI-J)

*Kazuaki Kawashima1, Iori TANI2 (1. Sugiyama Jogakuen University, 2. Aichi Gakuin University)

[1A-013-PB]The effect of friendships of psychopathy on loneliness

*Ayame Tamura1, Kano Fujii2, Nozomi Yamawaki2 (1. Ehime University, 2. Human Environment University)

[1A-014-PB]The Effects of Positive Psychological Traits on Negative Feelings, and their Relationships with the Top and Bottom Brain Systems

*Naoki Shibahara1, Masao Endo2, Yoshiyuki Izawa2, Mieko Naoshima3, Hiromu Nagaura4, Tomoyuki Hisa5 (1. Tokyo University of Social Welfare, 2. Kobe University of Future Health Sciences, 3. Nayoro City University, 4. Hokkaido University of Education, 5. Sanrinkai Office)