Session Details

Theory / Method

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:50 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:50 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1B-001-PA]How many days does it takes to get our papers accepted? (3)The impact of coronavirus pandemic on days to acceptance and number of papers

*Maaya Ooue1, *Yuuki Terada2,3 (1. Kanazawa Gakuin University, 2. The University of Tokyo, 3. Kochi University)

[1B-002-PA]A proposal for a new computational theory in sense of agency and motor learningComputational theory of embodied cognitive science based on novel operators in quantum gates and quantum computers

*Masaru Tanaka1,2, Shunji Mitsuyoshi2 (1. Institute for International Strategy and Information Analysis, Inc., 2. The University of Tokyo)

[1B-003-PA]Development of a reaction time measurement system using accelerometersPractical utility evaluation in psychological experiments.

*Mitsuo Ishida1 (1. Aichi Gakuin University)

[1B-004-PA]Does response bias affect survey results?Controlling for response styles and satisficing on subjective well-being questions

*Katsuya Tasaki1 (1. Aoyama Gakuin University)

[1B-005-PA]Influence of the "middle means typical" heuristic on happiness ratings.

*Shinya Masuda1, Hirohide Shibutani2, Fumio Murakami3, Harumasa Yoshimura3 (1. Keio University, 2. Aomori University, 3. Nara University)

[1B-006-PA]A Discourse on Beautifying Suicide (3)Examining Representation Structural Analysis through Three Works

*Kenji KAWANO1, Sakurako Kata1 (1. Ritsumeikan University)

[1B-007-PA]Efficient Detection Method for Unknown Insights from Free-Text DataUsing Semantic Similarity

*Jinghao MA1, Hideki TOYODA1 (1. WASEDA University)