Session Details

Social / Culture

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1C-014-PC]Creation of the Japanese version of the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDAQ-J) Reliability and validity study

*Erika Yoshimoto1, Takahiro Kubo2 (1. Yokohama National University, Graduate School of Education, 2. Yokohama National University, Faculty of Education)

[1C-015-PC]Shared Leadership BehaviorsTo Enable All Members to Exert a Positive Influence in Medical Teams

*Manabu Fujimoto1, Mika Shimamura2, Hiroaki Miyazaki3, Kazuto Inaba4 (1. Ritsumeikan University, 2. Reiwa Health Sciences University, 3. Kansai Medical University, 4. Cyukyo University)

[1C-016-PC]The Effect of Systematic Threat on Perceived Well-Being Based on Social StatusAn Exploratory Study with the General Population

*Yifei Li1, Makoto Numazaki1, Kunyoung Park1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University)

[1C-017-PC]Examining the impact of system threats on evaluation of the poor

*Koya Kakimoto1, Hideya Kitamura1 (1. Toyo University)

[1C-018-PC]Examination of factors associated with independence of single mothers.Focus on feelings toward ex-partners and egalitarian sex role attitudes

*Hironori SAKAI1, Tomohiro KIMURA1, Toru FUJIMOTO1, Michiko ENARI2, Michiyo YAMAKI2 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. The Japan Single Mother Support Association)

[1C-019-PC]Proposal of a new ESM method "PALACE " using smartwatchesDaily life measurement with young women as a case study of possibilities for use.

*Gaku Kutsuzawa1, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi1, Kanako Nakajima1, Takuma Inai1, Ryoko Miyanishi2, Masatsugu Koide2, Hirohito Hirohashi2 (1. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2. Flicfit Co. Ltd.)

[1C-020-PC]How does self-compassion relate to thought/behavior patterns in distressing situations?—Examination with free descriptions and topic modelling—

*Hirohito Okano1, Michio Nomura1 (1. Faculty of Education, Kyoto University)

[1C-021-PC]Self-compassion promotes the quality of romantic relationships beyond self-esteemA three-wave longitudinal study

*Yuki Miyagawa1, Jia Wei Zhang2, Yuji Kanemasa1, Kentaro Komura3, Junichi Taniguchi4 (1. Otemon Gakuin University, 2. The University of Memphis, 3. Hirosaki University, 4. Tezukayama University)

[1C-022-PC]Who tends to form interpersonal relationships with others on the dark side?The effect of the evaluator’s Dark Triad on the preferences for the opposite sex with high Dark Triad

*Keita Masui1 (1. Otemon Gakuin University)

[1C-023-PC]Other Pepople's Remarks and Uncomfortable Experiences Regarding Touching and Personal SpaceVariation on touch acceptance by uncomfortable experiences of touching by others

*Masako Yamada1 (1. Saitama Women's Junior College)

[1C-024-PC]Are achievement behaviors involving charity evaluated favorably?

*Tadahiro Ito1 (1. Gakushuin University, Faculty of Letters)

[1C-025-PC]Analysis to estimate and evaluate social networks from data on the number of connected peopleUsing data on social connectedness in the local community

*Kouhei Masumoto1, Takaharu Yaguchi1, Kazuhiro Harada1, Narihiko Kondo1, Shuichi Okada1 (1. Kobe University)

[1C-026-PC]Analysis of Decision Strategies in Group Decision Making by Taylor Series Expansion

*Yuki Tamari1, Takashi Ideno2, Hajime Murakami3, Keita Kawasugi4, Kazuhisa Takemura4 (1. University of Shizuoka, 2. Tokyo University of Science, 3. Hokkai-Gakuen University, 4. Waseda University)

[1C-027-PC]Long-term Effects of Gender Depictions of Digital GamesAn Integration of a Content Analysis and a Longitudinal Study

*Akiko Shibuya1, Naoko Asoh2, Hiroko Otsubo3, Akiyo Shoun4, Hibiki Okura5, Akira Sakamoto2 (1. Seijo University, 2. Ochanomizu University, 3. Keio University, 4. Rikkyo Univertisty, 5. Tokyo Medical and Dental University)

[1C-028-PC]How are human service professionals empowered in one-person workplaces?Interview with occupational health nurse and school nurse

*Minori Inamine1, Kenji Kawano2 (1. Graduate School of Human Science, Ritsumeikan University, 2. College of Comprehensive Psychology, Ritsumeikan University)

[1C-029-PC]Do actors tilt their heads to the right when kissing?Examination of right-side bias during kissing in video works

*Rai Kishikawa1, Megumi Ishida1, Yuki Mito1, Akino Kubota1, Keita Ochi1 (1. hosei University)

[1C-030-PC]Why Do People Use Dating Apps?An Exploratory Study on How Purposes of Dating Apps Use Relate to Personality and Romantic Relational Mobility

*Junko Yamada1,2, Mie Kito3 (1. Rissho University, 2. Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute, 3. Meiji Gakuin University)

[1C-031-PC]Does disclosure of nudges protect the autonomy of decision makers?Comparison of people with/without strong organ donation intention

*Kumiko Mori1, Madoka Onoe1 (1. Kwansei Gakuin University)

[1C-032-PC]How do narratives emerge?Group decision making and the sharing of knowledge representations in a mock jury setting

*Ryota Takano1, Tatsuya Kameda2 (1. Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, 2. Faculty of Mathematical Informatics, Meiji Gakuin University)

[1C-033-PC]Effects of nostalgia on health-conscious attitudesA study using health-related advertisement

*Tomoe Tanaka1, Reiko Yamashita2, Akie Arima3 (1. Meiji Gakuin University, 2. Tokyo Keizai University, 3. Tokyo Woman's Christian University)

[1C-034-PC]Personal Space and AgingEffects of perceptual and social variables

*Toshikazu Kawagoe1, Naoki Kuroda2, Shinya Harada2, Ryo Teraoka3,2, Wataru Teramoto2 (1. Tokai Univ., 2. Kumamoto Univ., 3. MuroranIT)