Session Details

Clinical / Disorder

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1C-035-PD]The Effect of Effortful Control on the Relationship between Gaming and well-being

*Haruka Takaya1, Tomonari Irie2 (1. Hokusho University Graduate School, 2. Hokusho University)

[1C-036-PD]Research on the creation of an indoor environment in the Student Counseling RoomFocusing on the furniture in the consultation room

*Rikuto Ishihara1 (1. International University of Health and Welfare)

[1C-037-PD]Examination factors associated with differences in adaptive or maladaptive gambling behaviorComparison of patients with gambling disorder in an addiction recovery center with a community sample

*Yuka Asami1, Yu Matsumoto2, Kazuki Oyama2, Hironori Shimada2 (1. Mejiro University, 2. Waseda University)

[1C-038-PD]The Effect of Stress Coping Strategies Among Chinese Students on Mental Health in COVID-19

*SHIJIA TANG1, Jietao LIAN 2, Yuanhong JI1 (1. Graduate School of Human Science, Ritsumeikan University , 2. Open Innovation & Collaboration Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University)

[1C-039-PD]The problems and consultation actions of university students in the COVID-19 (3)Do the university students do consultation by the loss and gain calculation?

*Koshi Makino1 (1. Setsunan University, Faculty of Business Administration)

[1C-040-PD]Relation between sexual minorities and developmental disabilitiesExamination of the relation with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

*Megumi Matsui1 (1. Okayama University)

[1C-041-PD]Effects of social media-mediated emotion regulationAn experience sampling study

*Yuhei Urano1, Ryota Kobayashi2 (1. Yamagata University, 2. Fukuoka Prefectural University)

[1C-042-PD]What types of continuing bonds cause maladaptation after the lossAn exploratory study of individual differences in continuing bonds and the related factors

*Daisuke Kawashima1, Tai Tsujimoto2, Sayaka Kubota3, Tomomi Kempe1, Yoshiki Koga4, Yu Urata5, Terumi Watanabe6, Megumi Kondo-Arita7 (1. Chukyo University, 2. Nanzan University, 3. National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, 4. National Hospital Organization Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center, 5. Osaka University, 6. Bukkyo University, 7. Leipzig University)

[1C-043-PD]Difficulties of Disclosure for People with Hearing Impairment――難聴者を対象とした自由記述調査による検討――

*Karin Osawa1, Masashi Sugie1 (1. University of Tsukuba)

[1C-044-PD]The influence of self-focus on depression in negative situationsQualitative examination of the process from the onset of self-focus to its interruption

*Hibiki Saitsu1, Masahiro Haraguchi1 (1. Kurume University)

[1C-045-PD]Association between Personality Disorder Attributes, Loneliness, and Self-presentational Behavior Using Experience Sampling Method経験サンプリング法による検討

*Natsuho Kushibiki1 (1. Hirosaki University)

[1C-046-PD]The Impact of Hikikomori Affinity and Worry symptoms on Vocational readiness of College Students

*Rina Sakamoto1, Satoko Sasagawa2, Miyuki Takano3 (1. Mejiro University Graduate School of Psychology, Clinical Psychology Course, 2. Department of Psychology and Counseling, Faculty of Psychology, Mejiro University, 3. Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu Lutheran University)

[1C-047-PD]Grief reactions of people who have experienced pet loss Preliminary consideration of psychological support

*Aya Tokunaga1 (1. International University of Health and Welfare Graduate School)

[1C-048-PD]How does the implicit theory of mind wandering relate to mind wandering as experienced in everyday life?

*Yosuke Hattori1, Masanori Kobayashi2, Noboru Matsumoto3, Jun Kawaguchi2 (1. Otemae University, 2. Yamagata University, 3. Shinshu University)