Session Details

Social / Culture

Fri. Sep 6, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM JST
Fri. Sep 6, 2024 6:30 AM - 8:10 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[1D-008-PC]The Impact of Proactive Behavior on Organizational Performance OutlookThe importance of proactive behavior and its determinants

*Taiyo Miyashita1 (1. The Japan Research Institute, Limited.)

[1D-009-PC]Survey on self-compassion among volunteersAbout Self-compassion for students interested in volunteering

*Rina Miyazawa1, Emiko Hasegawa3, Masaki Muranaka2 (1. Graduate School of Saitama Institute of Technology, 2. Saitama Institute of Technology, 3. Seigakuin University)

[1D-010-PC]The effect of prosocial motivation for mask-wearing behavior on subjective well-beingA longitudinal study

*Genta Miyazaki1 (1. Gakushuin University)

[1D-011-PC]Changes in facial expression recognition by wearing masks

*Hirokazu Taniguchi1 (1. Shimonoseki City University)

[1D-012-PC]The Impact of Message-Attached Sweets on Perception of Sweetness/Delicacy and Group Creativity

*Saki Nakamura1, Hiroshi Daimoto1 (1. Tezukayama Gakuin University)

[1D-013-PC]Relationship between media systems and sense of reality

*Sato Sanai1, Hideo Ueichi2 (1. Sophia University, 2. University of Tsukuba)

[1D-014-PC]Objectified experience disrupts facial emotion recognition

*Toshiki Saito1,2,3, Katsumi Watanabe2 (1. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2. Waseda University, 3. University of Fribourg)

[1D-015-PC]Investigating utility of prosocial cognitive effort task in moral licensing research

*Yoshiya Furukawa1 (1. Fukuoka University)

[1D-016-PC]Investigation of the effect of Utopian thinking on System Justification Motive and Intention of Collective Action

*Ayane SAKAMAKI1, Fumiaki TAKA1 (1. Toyo university)

[1D-017-PC]Effects of recovery experiences on creative behaviors and working life

*Atsushi Kawakubo1, Takashi Oguchi2 (1. Saitama Gakuen University, 2. Rikkyo University)

[1D-018-PC]How are risk-takers perceived in Japan?Risk-taking influences perceived dominance, prestige, and leadership in Japanese Adults

*Akira Ono1, Xianwei Meng1 (1. Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University)

[1D-019-PC]The Influence of References to Others in Reviews on Product RatingsAn Examination Using Online Data

*Takashi Nishimura1 (1. Hiroshima International University)

[1D-020-PC]The influence of robot intelligence on people's psychological evaluationExamine the influence of negative attitudes towards robots

*Sachie Yamada1,2,3, Akito Matsumoto4 (1. Tokai University, 2. ATR, 3. Kyoto University, 4. Saitama City South Child Guidance Center)

[1D-021-PC]The Impact of Attachment Styles, Psychopathic Traits, and Bullying Experiences on Strategic Behavior in the Prisoner's Dilemma

*Yasumasa Annen1 (1. Sapporo University of Health Sciences)

[1D-022-PC]“Oshi-Katsu” as Work-life Enrichment③Study of the determinants of “Oshi-Katsu” enthusiasm

*Yuri Nakagawa1, Kayo Yorifuji2 (1. Takasaki University of Commerce, 2. International Economy & Work Research Institute)

[1D-023-PC]The spill-over effect of bad bowing motion on subjective facial attractiveness.

*Takayuki Osugi1, Jun I. Kawahara2 (1. Yamagata University, 2. Hokkaido University)

[1D-024-PC]Rest assured, the ghost will handle it.The impact of belief in immanent justice on expectations of supernatural existence after death.

*Ayumi Ikeda1, Kuniyuki Nishina2, Xianwei Meng3 (1. Kyushu university, 2. Osaka university, 3. Nagoya university)

[1D-025-PC]Psychological factors involved in reluctance to consume foods that are deemed safeFrom eating rice balls made by others to schmeat and insect-based foods

*Akira Mukai1, Jun Sato2, Kunihiro Kusanagi1 (1. Prefectural University of Hiroshima, 2. Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences)

[1D-026-PC]Relationship among perception of safety, sustainability consciousness and future thinking.

*Toshiyuki Himichi1, Ayahito Ito2, Shogo Kajimura3, Hiroyoshi Ogishima4, Tsubasa Izaki1 (1. Kochi University of Technology, 2. Tohoku University, 3. Kyoto Institute of Technology, 4. Nara Institute of Science and Technology)

[1D-027-PC]A consideration Component of Child Abuse Anxiety as Parenting Emotion

*Noriko ADACHI1, Michiko NAKAYAMA2 (1. Hyogo College , 2. Nara Women's University)

[1D-028-PC]The Effects of Mindful Eating and Self-compassion on Well-being in Solitary EatingAn Analysis of a Questionnaire Survey on University Students

*Mayu Kusakabe1, Kyoko Yokoyama1 (1. Sophia University)