Session Details


Sat. Sep 7, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM JST
Sat. Sep 7, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:40 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[2A-050-PI]Influence of Subjective Mood Congruency of Images and Music in Narrative Films on Artifact Absorption

*Xinyue Zhang1, Michiko Asano2 (1. Rikkyo University, 2. The University of Tokyo)

[2A-051-PI]Association between the frequency of wearing a face mask and the trend in the number of friends (1)

*Yuki Miyazaki1, Motohiro Ito1, Kei Kuratomi2, Jun I Kawahara3, Masami K Yamaguchi4, Megumi Kobayashi5, Nobuyuki Watanabe6 (1. Chukyo University, 2. Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, 3. Hokkaido University, 4. Chuo University, 5. Niigata University, 6. Kanazawa Institute of Technology)

[2A-052-PI]Is the golden section always beautiful?

*KAITO MEIJO1, Kenpei Shiina2 (1. Waseda University Graduate School of Education, 2. Waseda University)

[2A-053-PI]Nostalgia evoked by music hit charts

*Satoshi Kawase1 (1. Kobe Gakuin University)

[2A-054-PI]Relationship between misophonia and sound source

*Ryo Yamamoto1, Risako Shirai1,2, Katsumi Watanabe1 (1. Waseda University, 2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

[2A-055-PI]Subjective emotional modulations of listeners induced by voices

*Daisuke Hayashi1 (1. Japan Tobacco Inc.)

[2A-056-PI]Factors affecting the determination of voice similarity

*Haruna Inoue1 (1. Life Skill Education Institute in the Graduate School of Hosei University)

[2A-057-PI]Does knowing the end of task increse cognitive stability?

*Kei Kuratomi1 (1. Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University)

[2A-058-PI]Self-prioritization effect and task-irrelevant informationDoes task-irrelevant information associated with self affect task performance?

*Kazuhito Yoshizaki1, Kimiko Kato1 (1. Aichi Shukutoku University)

[2A-059-PI]The past is placed on the left and the future on the rightExamination of mental timeline by using a word allocation task

*Noa Uchikawa1, Kayo Miura2, Kyoshiro Sasaki1 (1. Kansai University, 2. Kyushu University)

[2A-060-PI]The Relationships Between Characteristics of Painter's Life History and Painting Evaluations

*Yi Zhao1, Kairi Sugimoto1, Katsumi Watanabe1 (1. Waseda University)

[2A-061-PI]Does imitating faces depicted in paintings facilitate recognition of facial expression?

*Naoko Kurikawa1, Ken Sakamoto2, Miyuki Mori3 (1. Osaka Shoin Women's University, 2. Shokei University Junior College, 3. Shokei University)

[2A-062-PI]The effects of spatial and temporal configurations on tactile frequency perceptionHow arm-crossing and simultaneity influence the vibrotactile frequency discrimination.

*Naoya Tachibana1, Shogo Sugiyama1, Yuko Yotsumoto1 (1. University of Tokyo)

[2A-063-PI]Anchoring effect can be induced by inferring the product price range.

*Yuuta Takenaka1, Kentaro Yamamoto1 (1. Kyushu University)