Session Details


Sat. Sep 7, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:50 PM JST
Sat. Sep 7, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:50 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[2B-001-PB]Character strengths and well-being in Chinese childrenStudy in Inner Mongolia

*Minglu Li1, Tazuko Aoki2 (1. The Joint Graduate School in Science of School Education, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, 2. Okayama University)

[2B-002-PB]Is aggressive behavior inhibited by individuation and activated by deindividuation? (2)

*Ryohei Mimura1,2, Makoto Ichikawa1, Akio Wakabayashi1 (1. Chiba University, 2. Hyogo prefectural police H.Q.)

[2B-003-PB]Preliminary study for the revision of the Trait Shyness Scale (2)Generation differences in understanding the scale items

*Tsutomu Inagaki1, Takafumi Sawaumi2 (1. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, 2. Ryutsu Keizai University)

[2B-005-PB]Causes of Differences in Perceptions of Gaman in Japan−Focusing on Age, Individual Orientedness, Social Orientedness, and Nurturer Orientedness−

*Saeka Tominaga1, Shinichi Tsukamoto2 (1. Nagoya University , 2. Tokyo Future University)