Session Details

Practice of school-wide mental health screening focusing on children's strengths and involvement of school counselors.

Sat. Sep 7, 2024 1:40 PM - 3:20 PM JST
Sat. Sep 7, 2024 4:40 AM - 6:20 AM UTC
Room 8(3F E1 / 2)

[SS-037]Practice of school-wide mental health screening focusing on children's strengths and involvement of school counselors.

Representative Organizer: JUNKO IIDA1
Organizer: Kie Sugimoto2, Hiroko Endo3, Ikuko Aoyama4
Speaker: JUNKO IIDA1, Kie Sugimoto2, Tsuguyuki Izumi5, Kazuhiro Yasunaga5, Saori Yamasaki6
Discussant: Hiroko Endo3
Chair: Ikuko Aoyama4
(1. University of Tsukuba, 2. Mejiro University, 3. Saitama Gakuen University, 4. Tsuru University, 5. Okayama University, 6. Nihon University)