Session Details

Social / Culture

Sun. Sep 8, 2024 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 12:00 AM - 1:40 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3A-001-PC]Study on factors that predispose young people to suicide 2How young people's subjective sense of well-being and time perspective influence suicide affinity

*Sumire Shuto1, *Jin Ota2 (1. Nara University Graduate School of Sociology, 2. Nara Univ.)

[3A-002-PC]Changes in Durability through Classes with Active LearningStudy of Psychological Trait which Contribute to Academic Adaptation and Performance (16)

*Eiko Koshiro1, Miho Hatanaka2, Masahiro Kawakami3 (1. University of the Sacred Heart, 2. Meijo University, 3. Osaka Shoin Women’s University)

[3A-003-PC]Consideration of factors for the continuation of employment support utilizationThrough the association with remote communication tools

*Ayu KUDO1, Yuki Inoue NAKATA1, Tatsuya SATO1 (1. Ritsumeikan University)

[3A-004-PC]Moderation Effects of Intergroup Ideologies on Intergroup ThreatsA Focus on Demographic Shifts in Japan

*Satoshi Moriizumi1 (1. Nanzan University)

[3A-005-PC]Effects of perspective-taking on superordinate-group identity in intergroup contact

*Yumiko Taresawa1, Susumu Ohnuma2, Toshikatsu Kakimoto3 (1. Konan Women's University, 2. Hokkaido University, 3. Gunma University)

[3A-006-PC]Study on communication methods for coordination among members in community activities

*Yoko Kitakaji1, Miki Yokoyama2, Wataru Akahori2, Masakuni Ishii2 (1. Hiroshima University, 2. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Social Informatics Laboratories)

[3A-007-PC]The effect of belonging strength and uncertainty on well-being.

*Hiroki Takehashi1, Shiori Isoue (1. Nara women's university)

[3A-008-PC]The effect of income level and sense of impoverishment on children

*Takahiro Yoshizumi1 (1. Chukyo University)

[3A-009-PC]An explanatory study of “ikizurasa” among female college students-An examination for cultural perspectives-

*Haruka Naito1, Mayumi Karasawa2 (1. Graduate school of Tokyo Woman's Christian University, 2. Tokyo Woman's Christian University)

[3A-010-PC]Mechanism by which subordinates with low-LMX are reluctant to share information with envy targetThe mediating effect of social pain-envy based on PaDE theory

*Kazuho Yamaura1, Yousuke Ohtsubo2 (1. Ritsumeikan University, 2. Tokyo University)

[3A-011-PC]Interactive effect of interpersonal justice and conscientiousness on affective organizational commitmentAn examination of undergraduate students’ commitment to University.

*Hiroto Takagi1, Masahiro Ishida2 (1. Aichi-Gakuin University, 2. Kyoto Prefectural University)

[3A-012-PC]Emotional Competence and Subjective Well-being: The role of Humor Style


[3A-013-PC]Is Conformist Social Learning Deep Enough to Generalize?

*Ryutaro Mori1,2, Hidezo Suganuma1, Tatsuya Kameda3 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 3. Meiji Gakuin University)

[3A-014-PC]A study of transition of occupational abilities annually assessed by vocational aptitude testsa study based on the analysis of the GATB

*Tamayu Fukamachi1 (1. The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training)

[3A-015-PC]What Psychology Can Do for Peace (2)The Association between Empathy and Attitude towards Peace among University Students

*Atsuko Tomoda1 (1. Shukutoku University)

[3A-017-PC]False Consensus Effect in COVID-19 VaccinationA Replication of Yoshiyama (2023)

*Naohiro Yoshiyama1 (1. Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture)

[3A-018-PC]Intent of using and opinion on prevalence of forthcoming neurotechnologyAttitudes towards Decoding, Enhancement and Brain-machine Interface

*Tobu Tomabechi1, Takayuki Suzuki1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

[3A-019-PC]Underestimation of the appreciation of the recipient by the sender of kindnessSmall acts of kindness to strangers

*Yuma Shiraki1 (1. Aichi Gakuin University)

[3A-020-PC]Does the intensity equilibrium model explain the gaze direction during video call?

*Hakudai Makino1, Yu Kasagi2, Ariga Atsunori1 (1. Chuo University, 2. Rissho University)