Session Details


Sun. Sep 8, 2024 11:10 AM - 12:50 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 2:10 AM - 3:50 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3B-037-PI]Influence of mask color on facial expression recognition

*Fumikazu Furumi1, Yumiko Nishio2 (1. Shizuoka University, 2. Kio University)

[3B-038-PI]Modulation of gaze cueing effect by ascribing intentions to gazerGaze cueing effects when observers adopt the intentional stance and the design stance toward the gazer

*Ryoichi Nakashima1 (1. Kyoto University)

[3B-039-PI]Prototype recognition in three types of bar charts defined by multivariate normal distributions

*Shino Togawa1, Kenpei Shiina2 (1. Waseda University Graduate School of Education, 2. Waseda University)

[3B-040-PI]The classification of Action slips among university students

*YUKO UNE1 (1. Waseda University Faculty of Science and Engineering)

[3B-041-PI]A Study of the Association between Sleep and Gaming Disorder in Undergraduate Students

*Misato Oi1, Yusuke Honda1 (1. Kindai University)

[3B-042-PI]How does an adaptation to delayed auditory feedback modulate a sense of agency (4)Influence of delay awareness

*Yoshimori Sugano1 (1. Kyushu Sangyo University)

[3B-043-PI]Effect of perspective congruence on eyewitness memory for central and peripheral information in virtual reality

*Shuma Fujikawa1 (1. Toyohashi University of Technology)

[3B-044-PI]Neural representations of automatic preference for abstract paintingsAn investigation using representational similarity analysis

*Ryuhei Ueda1,2, Ryusuke Nakai1, Hiroshi Yoshioka3, Nobuhito Abe1 (1. Kyoto University, 2. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 3. Kyoto University of the Arts)

[3B-045-PI]Word-Meaning Inference by Articulation Dynamics.インアウト効果における摂食関連説の検討

*Yuka Ohtake1, Kentaro Yamamoto1, Yuki Yamada1 (1. Kyushu University)

[3B-046-PI]Age-related trends in proactive and reactive control in typically developing children

*Fumiya Iwashita1, Ikeda Yoshifumi2 (1. Tomi City Shigeno Elementary School, 2. Tokyo Gakugei University)

[3B-047-PI]Influence of signals inserted to the prose regarding statistical hypothesis testing on comprehensionDifferent effects of signals with different emphasis structures.

*Masahiko Horiuchi1, Hiroki Yamamoto2, Yoko Nagata1 (1. Komazawa University, 2. Ritsumeikan University)

[3B-048-PI]The effect of enlarged font size for fine print in video ads

*Motohiro Ito1, Jun I. Kawahara2 (1. Chukyo University, 2. Hokkaido University)

[3B-049-PI]The correct judgement of grasping action depends on the information of the purpose and the shape of grasping object.

*Mikari Tada1 (1. Kansai University of Welfare Sciences)

[3B-050-PI]The Influence of Speed of a Dynamic Augmented Reality Image on Change Blindness

*Akihiko Dempo1 (1. Tokyo University of Technology)

[3B-101-PI]How Much to Extend the Component of a Kanji Character to Make It Look Beautiful?Aesthetic Evaluation of Block Letters by Adjustment Method

*Ryuta Iseki1 (1. Taisho University)