Session Details

Social / Culture

Sun. Sep 8, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3C-001-PC]Study on Cultural Activities and Life Satisfaction among Volunteers at Regional Parenting Support CentersFocus on the Tantokuru Kodomokan in Yaizu City

*Michimasa Haga1 (1. Shizuoka University of Welfare)

[3C-002-PC]Effects of luxurious breakfast on family functionExamination using reminiscence

*Yayoi Kojima1, Makiko Nishiura1 (1. Hokuriku University)

[3C-003-PC]The impact of lecture styles on class evaluations and grades

*Takuya Okamoto1 (1. Shinshu UNIV.)

[3C-004-PC]Urban Residents Are Happier Than Their Rural CounterpartsA Preregistered Experiment

*Ryosuke Asano1, Kosuke Sato1, Hidefumi Hitokoto2, Kenichi Ito3 (1. Kurume University, 2. Kwansei Gakuin University, 3. University of Lethbridge)

[3C-005-PC]Does statistical evidence revise the evaluation based on a person-focused case? (3)Behavioral intention at the receipt of earthquake early warning

*Kazuya Nakayachi1, Ryosuke Yokoi2 (1. Doshisha University, 2. Kyoto Tachibana University)

[3C-006-PC]Reducing stigma of schizophrenia by conducting video-based interventions

*Saori SHIOZAKI1, Masataka HIGUCHI1, Osamu MATSUDA1 (1. Sophia University)

[3C-007-PC]Facial babyishness appears that trust worthy and honesty.Correlation between facial babyishness and maturity and perceived deceptiveness.

*Akino Kubota1 (1. Graduate School of Humanities, Hosei Univ.)

[3C-008-PC]Intergenerational cooperation based on moral principlesFocusing on people’s age groups

*Mayu Takahashi1,2, Tatsuya Kameda3 (1. The University of Tokyo, 2. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 3. Meiji Gakuin University)

[3C-009-PC]The Influence of Internal Similarity and Intimacy on Self-Disclosure: Focusing on Interpersonal Attraction

*Aika Sugihara1, Tatsuya Miyashita2, Takashi Oka2 (1. Graduate School of Literature and Social Sciences, Nihon Univ, 2. College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon Univ)

[3C-010-PC]Married couple who chases two hares will catch fourThe Impact of Work-Family Enrichment and Implicit Attitudes on Workplace Creativity in Dual-Worker Couples.

*Kozue Oki TOGO1, Kei Fuji2 (1. Mynavi Corporation, 2. University of Tsukuba)

[3C-011-PC]The Impact of Housing Problems on the Life Course of Young People in China and JapanA Study of the Homeownership Attitudes of Unmarried Young People in Their 20s Living in Urban Areas

*JUN LIU1 (1. Kochi University Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences Program)

[3C-012-PC]Development of the Japanese Version of Essentialist Beliefs about Aging (EBA-J)

*Xinning Su1,2, Tomoya Takahashi1, Masataka Kuraoka1, Fumiya Yonemitsu3, Kanon Tsukada1, Keigo Hinakura1, Tomoki Furuya1, Tomoya Sagara1, Noriko Yoshikawa1, Kiyo Kawakubo1, Yoshiko Kawanago1, Kumiko Kozawa1, Yan Li1, Susumu Ogawa1, Hiroyuki Suzuki 1 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatric and Gerontology, 2. Chuo University, 3. Shibaura Institute of Technology)

[3C-013-PC]Age of person whom Japanese people find sexually attractive

*Soyogu Matusita1 (1. Osaka Shoin Women's University)

[3C-014-PC]Background of the Japanese Preference for Political SystemsSocioeconomical Factors Using the World Values Survey

*Takashi Terada1 (1. National Defense Academy of Japan)

[3C-015-PC]Examination of Factors Affecting Third-Party Judgments in Japanese Plea Bargaining.

*Takaya Hirota1, Keitaro Kuwahara2, Kosuke Wakabayashi2 (1. Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Human Science, 2. Ritsumeikan University, College of Comprehensive Psychology)

[3C-016-PC]Attitudes and decision-making regarding support actions after the Noto Peninsula Earthquake IWhy do we send things we don't need as relief supplies?

*Daisuke Kudo1, Yang Li2 (1. Tohoku Gakuin University, 2. Nagoya University)

[3C-017-PC]Assessing similarity between emotional responses toward being excluded and seeing painful images

*Ryuichi Tamai1, Michiko Sakaki2, Kou Murayama2 (1. Shukutoku University, 2. University of Tübingen)

[3C-018-PC]The Effect of the Degree of Negative Cognition of Lying on the Appearance of Dishonest BehaviorConsideration of Self-Serving Mistakes

*Yumiko Kurokawa1, Kyoko Yamamoto2, Manabu Akiyama2,3 (1. Kyoto Koka Women's University, 2. Kobe Gakuin University, 3. Kobe Women’s University)

[3C-019-PC]Does critical thinking suppress belief in pseudoscience and conspiracy theories.

*Satoru Kikuchi1 (1. Shinshu Univ. Faculty of Arts)

[3C-020-PC]Why critical thinking ability is related to accuracy in inferring other’s emotional states?Examination through an interview study

*Mako Komasu1, Haruka Shimizu2, Ken'ichiro Nakashima1 (1. Hiroshima University, 2. Nishikyusyu University Junior College)