Session Details

Clinical / Disorder

Sun. Sep 8, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3C-022-PD]Examining the Reliability and Validity of the Japanese version of the Appearance Anxiety Inventory (J-AAI)Body Dysmorphic Symptoms in Japanese Non-Clinical Population

*Maaya Kobayashi1, Motohiro Nishiuchi1, Kyosuke Kaneko1, Shinya Kato1, Shota Noda2 (1. Musashino University, 2. Philipps-Universität Marburg)

[3C-023-PD]Development of the Japanese Version of the Brief Ageing Perceptions Questionnaire (B-APQ)Psychometric properties and its role in predicting help seeking intention and resistance to help seeking

*Masami Kashimura1 (1. Tokiwa University)

[3C-024-PD]Development of the Japanese version of the Self-Compassion Scale for Youth

*Hiroshi Yoshihara1 (1. Matsumoto University)

[3C-025-PD]Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Self-Objectification Scale (SOS-J)

*Yuna Matsuoka1,2, Keiji Iwai3, Daisuke Ito1 (1. Hyogo University of Teacher Education, 2. Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 3. Osaka University of Human Sciences)

[3C-026-PD]Identifying Core Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Non-Clinical Japanese Female SampleA network analysis

*Toshiyuki Yoshida1, Gen Komaki2, Tomoyo Mitsui3 (1. Department of Social and Clinical Psychology, Hijiyama University, 2. Fukuoka Shin Mizumaki Hospital, 3. Department of Psychology, Kobe Shinwa University)

[3C-027-PD]Effects of pre-sleep arousal on bedtime procrastinationa longitudinal study

*Shion Miyagawa1, Shunta Maeda1 (1. Tohoku University)

[3C-028-PD]Differences in psychological state depending on gestation period

*Noriko Kusakabe1 (1. Fukuyama University)

[3C-029-PD]Effects of self-training using cognitive behavioral therapy textbook on automatic thoughts

*Katsuyoshi Kawasaki1, Nao Okouchi1 (1. Hoshi Univ.)

[3C-030-PD]Factors that make people want to continue to participate in dementia prevention cafes

*Saori Taki1,2, Osamu Matsuda1 (1. Sophia Univ., 2. Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Geriatrics and Gerontology)

[3C-031-PD]Effectiveness Review and Future Prospects of Equine-Assisted Therapy for Children With Special Needs.Focusing on the Connection to the Five Domains of Daycare Support for Disabled Children.

*Masataka Aoki1, Tomoyo Isowaki1, Natsuki Kumekawa1, Hiromi Yamamoto1 (1. TCC Japan Inc.)

[3C-032-PD]How Do Supporters Deal with Older People Suspected of Developmental Disorders?Comparison Between Psychologists and Care Managers

*Ryuta Ochi1, Shin Saitoh1, Yumi Yamazawa1, Akira Midorikawa2 (1. Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Letters, CHUO University, 2. Department of Psychology, Faculty of Letters, CHUO University)

[3C-033-PD]Reading and writing skills in developmental Gerstmann’s syndrome

*Toshiya Kayamura1 (1. Mukogawa Women's University)

[3C-034-PD]Moderating effects of self-compassion in the relationship between rumination and psychological healthA cross-sectional study

*Kaho Yamasaki1, Ayaka Sampei1, Hiromitsu Miyata1 (1. Waseda Univ.)

[3C-035-PD]Protective and Risk Factors for Institutional AbuseQualitative research through interviews with children's home staff

*Daiki Sasaki1 (1. Tokaigakuen University)