Session Details


Sun. Sep 8, 2024 1:20 PM - 3:00 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 4:20 AM - 6:00 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3C-036-PI]Effects of changes in the visibility of dynamic stimuli on time perception

*Shizuku Nojiri1, Hideki Tamura1, Shigeki Nakauchi1, Tetsuto Minami1 (1. Toyohashi University of Technology)

[3C-037-PI]Representation of tool function and manipulation in human brain

*Ryo Ishibashi1, Nobuhiro Hagura1, Matthew A Lambon Ralph2 (1. Center for Information and Neural Networks, 2. University of Cambridge)

[3C-038-PI]Is a morally good person beautiful?Psychological experiments using the signal detection theory

*Tatsuru Kawachi1, Rina Nishizawa1, Yousuke Kawachi1 (1. Tohoku University)

[3C-039-PI]Elucidating the cognitive dynamics of internal and external attention using cognitive dynamics representational similarity analysis and exploring its relationship with psychiatric disordersDevelopment and application of a novel analytical method focusing on temporal differences in complex cognitive functions

*Oka Taiki1,2, Yutaro Koyama3, Akihiro Sasaki4, Yuka Miyake4, Nao Kobayashi4 (1. Adbanced telecommunication research institute international, 2. Osaka university, 3. University of Wisconsin–Madison, 4. KDDI Research Inc.)

[3C-040-PI]An attempt to develop a Japanese version of the Social Odor Scale

*Naoko UKENO1, Takefumi KOBAYASHI1 (1. Bunkyo Gakuin University)

[3C-041-PI]The cerebral hemodynamic response affected by Stroop tasks in the neuroimaging fieldExamination based on the cognitive processing model

*Tomoki Takahashi1,2, Kiyomitsu Niioka1,3, Koki Okuno1, Ippeita Dan1 (1. Chuo University, 2. Seitoku University, 3. University of Human Environments)

[3C-042-PI]Association between motor imagery and visuo-spatial working memory in after-stroke patients

*Kohei Kotegawa1, Naoki Kuroda2, Junya Sakata3, Ren Fujii3, Wataru Teramoto2 (1. Kumamoto Health Science University, 2. Kumamoto University, 3. Musashigaoka Hospital)

[3C-043-PI]Effect of lighting conditions on the appreciation of religious mural painting in a mesopic spacepsychological evaluation and eye movement analysis

*Tomohiro Ishizu Ishizu1, Dan Katagiri1, Yoshihiro Yasumuro1, Masako Shogaki2, *Kaoru Suemori3 (1. Kansai University, 2. Kyoto City University of Arts, 3. National Museum of Ethnology)

[3C-044-PI]Facilitated responses to typically colored graphemes in visual search among non-synesthetes

*Hiroyuki Sasaki1, Nana Watanabe1 (1. Niigata University of International and Information Studies)

[3C-045-PI]Brain activity and stress responses during writing tasks

*Akiko Megumi1, Akira Yasumura2 (1. Kurume University, 2. Kumamoto University)

[3C-046-PI]The relationship between vividness of visual imagery and image manipulation in drawing ability

*Makiko Miyasaka1, Hiroaki Itoh2, Fumihito Imai3 (1. Kitasato University, 2. Kanagawa University, 3. Hokkaido University)

[3C-047-PI]Does uncanny valley depend on cognitive load?

*Kota SASAKI1, Fumiya YONEMITSU2, Atsunori ARIGA1 (1. Chuo University, 2. Shibaura Institute of Technology)

[3C-048-PI]The effect of environmental factors on dishonest behavior:An exploratory study with Bayesian Networks and Psychological Networks

*Huanxu Liu1, Yuki Yamada2 (1. Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, 2. Faculty of Arts and Science, Kyushu University)

[3C-049-PI]The influence of additional novelty by changing hue of clothes on the mere exposure effect

*Ken Matsuda1, Hiroto Asano1, Kei Komiyama1, Takashi Kusumi2 (1. The University of Kitakyushu, 2. Kyoto University)