Session Details

Clinical / Disorder

Sun. Sep 8, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 6:30 AM - 8:10 AM UTC
Poster Session Hall(1F)

[3D-022-PD]When poverty is shamefulThe mediating role of poverty-related shame

*Shiyuan Zhan1, Kenji Hiraishi1 (1. Graduate School of Education and Human Development School of Education, Nagoya University)

[3D-023-PD]Emotional process model for mothers with truant children

*Sumika Kondo1 (1. Graduate school of Wako University)

[3D-024-PD]The Importance of Behavior Analytic Interventions in Supporting School AttendanceBehavior analytic intervention for a case of non-school attendance that was hard to address after prevention of bullying recurrence

*Maina Yonezawa1, Hiroaki Miya1, Yasumichi Kuwahara1,2 (1. Fukuchiyama City Hospital, 2. Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)

[3D-025-PD]Internet Based Training to Improve Parenting Skill for FathersFocusing on fathers' skill acquisition and children's behavioral problems

*Yuko Shiraishi1,2 (1. Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University, 2. RIKEN)

[3D-026-PD]Effects of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness on frequency of apologiesAn experimental examination of behavioral indicator for suicide risk assessment using the Interpersonal Persistence Task

*Kenta Ishikawa1, Takato Oyama2, Yoshihiko Tanaka3, Matia Okubo3, Hajime Sueki4 (1. Teikyo University, 2. Aichi Shukutoku University, 3. Senshu University, 4. Wako University)

[3D-027-PD]How Japanese evangelicals have confronted problems of sexualityCWS and interviews with unmarried adolescents

*Shinji Ogino1, Mitsugu Murakami2, Kyoko Yokoyama1 (1. Sophia University, 2. Murakami Counseling Office)

[3D-029-PD]The effect of cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I) using text-based scenarios and picture-word cue training on daily mood.Focusing on social anxiety and mental imagery

*Toshihiko Sensui1, *Hitomi Terashima2 (1. Saitama Gakuen University, 2. Tokyo Keizai University)

[3D-030-PD]An Exmination of the Factors that Influence Trauma Reactions of Maternal and Child Living Support Facility Users Part.2Comparison of Trauma Reactions and Damage Details between Mothers and Children

*Masahito Ikeda1 (1. Social Welfare Corporation SANSEIKAI)

[3D-031-PD]Music therapy practice in developing affective and learning ability in after school daycare情意の安定を目指した音楽療法

*Miyako Matsumoto1 (1. After School Daycare Haturatu)

[3D-032-PD]An Exploratory Study of the Difficulties Faced by University Students Involved in After-School Daycare

*Miyuki Baba1, Masahiro Yamaguchi2 (1. Osaka Kyoiku University Graduate School of Education, 2. Osaka Kyoiku University)

[3D-033-PD]The relationship between patterns of responses to the future prediction task and hopelessness and subjective well-beingLack of a sense of "something will happen to me in the future" leads to a sense of hopelessness

*Ayako Isato1,3, Tetsuo Fukushima2, Makiko Yamada3 (1. Saitama Gakuen University , 2. Otsuma Women’s University, 3. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)

[3D-034-PD]University students’ sense of self-acceptance and trust due to their interactions with their grandparents during childhood.

*Fuko Kitagawa1, Tomotaka Hamada2, Yoshiyuki Tanaka2 (1. KYOTO TACHIBANA University Graduate School, 2. KYOTO TACHIBANA University)

[3D-035-PD]Development of Kanji Maze Technique to capture the relational framing for depression.Investigating the validity of Kanji Maze Technique.

*Yuki Shigemoto1 (1. Mukogawa Women's University)

[3D-036-PD]Exploring clinicians’ considerations in creating metaphors.A text mining investigation focused on client's "experiences."

*Taiki Shima1, Masataka Ito2 (1. Otemon Gakuin University, 2. Fukushima University)

[3D-037-PD]Effects of information-processing styles and perception of information overload on mental health in university students

*Yoko Saito1, Rumi Matushima1 (1. Graduate School of Psychology, Kyoto Notre Dame Univ.)

[3D-038-PD]Effects of the Our Internal Weather Twice Implementation Method on the Reduction of State Anxiety(2)Comparison of characteristics of high trait anxiety group and low trait anxiety group

*Mitsukuni ENOMOTO1 (1. Sapporo International University)