Session Details

Are tools and props effective for obtaining information from children during forensic interviews?

Sun. Sep 8, 2024 11:30 AM - 1:10 PM JST
Sun. Sep 8, 2024 2:30 AM - 4:10 AM UTC
Room 3(3F A2)

[SS-041]Are tools and props effective for obtaining information from children during forensic interviews?

Representative Organizer: Taeko Wachi1
Speaker: Eriko Kuhara2, Tomomi Iwaya2, Ai Uemiya3
Discussant: Kota Takaoka4
Chair: Taeko Wachi1
(1. Surugadai University, 2. National Research Institute of Police Science, 3. Kanazawa University, 4. AiCAN Inc.)