Session Details
[19p-A301-1~5]Recent progresses of solar cells by oxide semiconductors
Tue. Sep 19, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:45 PM JST
Tue. Sep 19, 2023 5:00 AM - 7:45 AM UTC
Tue. Sep 19, 2023 5:00 AM - 7:45 AM UTC
A301 (KJ Hall)
Hideaki Araki(Natl. Inst. of Tech.,Nagaoka Col.), Mutsumi Sugiyama(Tokyo Univ. of Sci.), Takeaki Sakurai(Univ. of Tsukuba)

[19p-A301-1]Enhancement of The Performance of Metal Oxide Solar Cells
〇Masanobu Izaki1 (1.Toyohashi Tech.)
[19p-A301-2]Current Status and Challenges of ZnTeO-based Intermediate Band Solar Cells
〇Tooru Tanaka1 (1.Saga Univ.)
[19p-A301-3]Development of crystalline Si solar cells featuring titanium oxide hole transport layers
〇Takuya Matsui1, Hitoshi Sai1 (1.AIST)
[19p-A301-4]Lead halide perovskite solar cells based on NiOx thin films as hole transport layer
〇Masatoshi Yanagida1 (1.NIMS)
[19p-A301-5]P-type carrier doping to Cu(I) based semiconductors using complex defects with shallow acceptor
〇Kosuke Matsuzaki1, Yu Kumagai2, Fumiyasu Oba3, Hideo Hosono3 (1.AIST, 2.Tohoku Univ., 3.Titech)